Wholistic Health

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Do you want to improve body’s rejuvenation & cleansing process and slow down the aging – Start taking TRIPHALA every day.

What meditation does for you on the mental level, Triphala can do on the physical. This herb is mentioned various times in the Ayurvedic scriptures for its rejuvenating properties. You can use it for many purposes, but it’s most widely used to keep the colon cleansed and toned.

Triphala improves immunity, slows the ageing process, improves mental faculties and serves all the different tissues of the body. It’s very safe and quite economical. Having Triphala powder in the house is useful for cleansing the teeth and treating bleeding gums. Rinsing your hair with a triphala decoction adds lustre and prevents greying.

Get into the habit (particularly between seasons) of taking half a teaspoon in a cup of warm water before bed. 

Watch this video to know more benefits of this wonder herb – https://www.instagram.com/tv/CBH_tRZADFD/

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