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5 Ayurveda Remedies For Fighting With Cough This Winters

1) Honey + Mulethi + Dalchini + Turmeric : Take 1/4 teaspoon mulethi powder +1/4 teaspoon cinnamon + 1/4 turmeric with honey twice daily in the morning and evening works wonders

2) Tulsi leaves + ginger + Honey: Crush about 10 leaves of Tulsi, mix with juice extracted from a small ginger piece. Add in an equal quantity of honey and mix; swallow about a single teaspoon of this about thrice a day to get relief from cough.

3) Boil 10 Tulsi leaves in 200 ml water and drink that water throughout the day. And you can gargle with this water twice a day

4) Daily Intake of rejuvenating tonics like Chywanprash with Turmeric Milk is essential during winters. It enhances the immunity of the body and makes the respiratory system strong.

5) When it comes to cough and cold , its mandatory to work on immunity basically .To improve the immunity give your kids at least 2 tablespoons of Giloy Juice + Amla juice with water in the morning everyday till it becomes better 

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