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Herbs For High-Performance Brain Power

The role of brain foods, exercises, and meditation to improve mind power is well known. Along with these, there are some herbs that enhance the mind power with their certain properties

In Ayurveda these herbs called MEDHYA RASAYANAS/ NERVINE TONICS, provide powerful nourishment for the mind.

Medhya Rasayanas enhance dhi (power of learning), dhriti (the power of retention), and smriti( ability to recall) individually, and they enhance the coordination between these three mental factors.

Some important Medhya Rasayanas or Nervine Herbs are following:

1. SHANKHPUSHPI – Shankhpushpi is an Ayurvedic herb used for its action on the central nervous system, especially for boosting memory and improving intellect.

It is believed to have a cooling, calming, rejuvenating, and subsiding action on the brain. One teaspoonful of its powder taken twice daily for some time increases memory and concentration in kids as well as adults
Along with boosting memory, it is useful in insomnia, improves weak appetite, acts as a blood purifier, and gives sound sleep.

2. BRAHMI – The leaf of the Brahmi plant resembles the cerebellum and is traditionally used to promote memory and intelligence and to relax the central nervous system.

Brahmi supports energy and mental clarity while simultaneously encouraging deep, restful sleep. Famous as a tonic for nerve and brain cells, cerebral circulation, memory, intestinal health, and sleep, Brahmi is revered as one of the most powerful and nervine herbs in Ayurveda.
It is useful brain tonic that increases the intellect and fight mental stress and strain.

3. JATAMANSI: Jatamansi is a natural brain nervine tonic and a memory enhancer, which has calming, peacefulness and relaxation features.
Roots of herb jatamansi tones up the brain and stabilizes mental abilities. It is an excellent tonic as it helps to subside all the three humors. It has a specific action on the nervous system and helps cure many mental diseases like insomnia, epilepsy, hysteria, and loss of memory.

4. ASHWAGANDHA: is a herb that rejuvenates the nervous system, erases insomnia and eases stress.
Cortisol, the body’s stress hormone, contributes to muscle loss and weakness, wrinkles, and cognitive impairment. Research has found that ashwagandha improves resistance to stress, possibly decreasing cortisol production. The herb may also protect the brain from the oxidative stress that leads to neuro degeneration. Relaxation, a benefit derived from the herb’s stress-fighting effects, also improves long-term visual memory.

5. BHRAM RASAYAN and SARASTAVARISHTA: are some of the Ayurvedic formulations that not only aid in improving mental alertness, memory, and stress threshold of an individual, but also help in keeping the degenerative diseases of the brain at a distance.

Wishing you health and happiness
Dr. Taruna

PS. Expert guidance is required before taking any herbs. 

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