Wholistic Health

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Winterizing your diet is essential for your body to beat the chills of the cold weather. Start with these superfoods:

• Nuts (especially walnuts, pistachios, and pine nuts) and seeds (especially pumpkin seeds) are naturally high in protein and fat and provide the much-needed insulation in the cold weather. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids and minerals. Seeds are somewhat preferable in the winter over nuts because they are lighter and easy to digest.

• Avocados are about 85% fat and harvested during the winter in warmer climates, making them the perfect winter fruit. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids as well as carotenoids, which are powerful and natural antioxidants.

• Licorice and Cinnamon Tea is a warming tea that lubricates the intestinal wall, boosts circulation and warms up the cold hands and feet in the winter.

• Brussels sprouts are a well-known nutrient-dense superfood loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. They are high in vitamins C and K, which support vascular health and circulation. They are also loaded with the fiber needed to ensure toxic bile makes it to the toilet.

Wish you a very Healthy Winters

Dr. Taruna

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