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Prevention and wellness

“स्वस्थस्य स्वस्थ रक्षणं आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं च l”

The shloka translates the basic principle of Ayurveda, which translates “Maintaining the health of the healthy and to cure the diseases of the diseased is Ayurveda’s chief principle”. For this, Ayurvedic texts talk extensively about various routines like daily and seasonal routines (i.e Dinacharya and Ritucharya) that help us with the preventive aspect.

Infact, Ayurveda is only medical science which talks about prevention and wellness in this detail. And it suggests many tools and guidelines to achieve and optimum wellbeing and state of holistic health.

Science of Ayurveda works on personalized care and treatment, and as per Ayurveda we all are unique and made with different doshas.

What are Doshas?

The ancient science says everything in this universe including our bodies are made with the five elements – space, air, fire, water, and earth. The unique combination of these elements come together to make up the doshas, or constitutions—vata, pitta, and kapha. Each dosha has a number of corresponding qualities that are expressed in the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of one’s being. All of us have some aspects of each dosha, but one or two doshas tend to dominate, informing everything from our digestion, metabolism, physical appearance, mental makeup to our emotions.

Take this quiz to discover your dosha, and then explore how it affects your everyday life!

#1. How do you describe your physical frame or body build up ?

#2. How do you describe your skin type ?

#3. How is your hair?

#4. Which describes your speech and how you talk?

#5. How do you describe your digestion?

#6. How is your sleep and sleeping pattern?

#7. What type of weather is your favorite?

#8. Which of the following sounds the most like you?

#9. The following questions relate to how you act/feel when you’re under stress. When you’re under stress do you tend to…

#10. How are you in your daily routine?



  • If you have marked most answers as 1 option, you are a Vata Dominating Personality.

  • If you have marked most answers as 2 option, you are a Pitta Dominating Personality.

  • If you have marked most answers as 3 option, you are a Kapha Dominating Personality.

  • If you have marked most answers as 1 option, you are a Vata Dominating Personality.

  • If you have marked most answers as 2 option, you are a Pitta Dominating Personality.

  • If you have marked most answers as 3 option, you are a Kapha Dominating Personality.

Want to understand more about your dosha?

Why do I need a Dosha Consultation?

A detailed Dosha Consultation helps you to understand your dosha (Mind Body Constitution). Based on your Dosha or Mind body constitution, a correct diet and lifestyle prescription is designed and suggested to you to prevent any imbalance in the body and achieve a state of optimal wellbeing.

Your Lifestyle, Nutrition And Well-Being Mentor

Well-renowned Ayurveda Doctor, Dr Taruna, founder of “Wholistic Health”, focuses on balancing the key systems of your body by combining her rich experience in ancient science of Ayurveda, modern nutrition, emotional wellbeing, with the latest science of functional medicine.

To know your dosha book a consultation here

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